[(Don't you know it)]
Sunday, May 14, 2006
icad speaks @8:22:00 AM

Hey Fellas!

Long time not blogging, since I've been preoccupied by this weary preparation for my final exam a.k.a. UN.

Well, the big days are from Tuesday to Thursday, I wish I could just do well.


Actually many things have driven me crazy aside from the exam, like there's a rumour, you know just some words on the street that the authentic question text has been leaked.

I even got to receive it from my teacher, to hell where he got it from, but the thing is he said at least 80% of it will come out.

But but but.....


Why the heck would the government create this such idiotic idealism which leads to the UN and in the end, they secretly dished it out.

In what kind of world am I living now?

Some teachers at my school even told us to 'conspire' with others, what another redundant plot!

All this time I've been studying, working my butt off and eventually the question text is leaked, and the teachers told me to conduct something contradicting the purpose of UN itself. This has really really worn me down like a road.

*a benign smile on my face*

The somber days like sooty malachite and everyone's just getting bad-tempered and morose with the fear of failing to graduate.

When it's all over I really need to go to the amusement park and ride the spinning cup until my guts are pulled out and barf all over the trash can with the feeling of exuberance and victory, taking me to cloud 9.


Monday, May 01, 2006
icad speaks @1:01:00 PM

Ayo Membaca!!

Bukannya ngebaca buku-buku persiapan UN, SPMB atow pelajaran laennya mengingat ini 2 minggu menjelang UN, gua malah bersenang-senang dengan buku novel.

Gua lagi tergila-gila sama yang namanya bacaan fiction & literature. Somehow it escapes my thoughts and apprehension to something else, a different world, which makes me drawn into somekinda pleasure.

Saat-saat seperti inilah gua butuh yang namanya hiburan. Dan karena gua sekarang gak mungkin sering keluar rumah buat maen, secara bonyok pasti ngelarang dengan alasan mau UJIAN, bukulah yang jadi tempat pelarian.


Sekarang gua baru selese ngebaca 'Accordion Crimes' by Annie Proulx.

Bukunya bagus, soalnya banyak ngebahas tentang ethnicity dari imigran-imigran di U.S. Walopun memang dari kepengarangannya, kurang di pendalaman karakter. Tapi memang novel ini gak ditujuin biar fokus pada 1-2 karakter ajah, melainkan lebih ke connection yang ada di tiap cerita, walopun sedikit kabur.

Overall, it's pretty much entertaining. Worth your time. Yah selain dari banyak banget kata-kata english literature dan quote asing mulai dari Italian, German, Spanish, Basques atow Norwegian. Kalow yang French-nya sih, masih ngerti-ngerti dikit.

I recommend this if you're a reader who loves story-telling about randomly collected stories of life.

Dan gua lagi mau mulai baca 'The Mermaid Chair' by Sue Monk Kidd.

"Sulitkah menemukan english books di

sajah, dan selain
itu....anjritt....mahal banget!"

Gua lebih mendingan mesen buku dari temen gua di Singapur, soalnya di sana lebih murah. This might sound strange, but it's true.

Rata-rata buku di toko kayak Kinokuniya Singapore dibandingin ama di toko buku kayak QB Bandung, comparatively cheaper. Bedanya bisa nyampe 30 ribuan, kadang lebih. Kalo beli empat biji, udah 120 rebu kan?

Sebelon tau ini, gua slalu mesen di toko buku lokal, yang memang harus di-special order dari luar. Selaen mahal, nyampenya bisa 4-6 minggu.....BLAH!

Tapi sejak gua tau ini, gua gak pernah lagi mesen buku dari sinih. Mendingan langsung ke temen gua atow beli online di internet.
Ongkos kirimnya gak mahal, paling 10 ribu perak per kilo. Seenggaknya gua gak mesen buku setebel 5000 halaman yang beratnya nyampe 4 kilo-an kayak text book sekolah kedokteran.

Kalo anda, pengunjung blog ini, ada yang tau gimana dapetin buku import (english books) dengan cara yang lebih gampang dan harga lebih murah lagi..........Please drop me a line!!




+ ICAD + 18 + Unhappy Medical Student + HAS To Be A Morning Person + Troubled + Theatrical + Crazy-Nuts-Lazybum + Noisy + Friendly + A Debate Geek + Bad Driver + Hard Worker + Committed + Love Life To Bits, Sometimes Hate It To Guts + Blunt + etc. etc. etc. +


+ ponderous movies + life-learning story novels + alternative music + vibrance is the color + sushii + francais, j'aime cet beaucoup! + traveling + gravelly southern drawl +


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