Wednesday, April 05, 2006
icad speaks @6:57:00 PM
Sometimes I hate why life has to be this way...
I'm on such a breakdown....
Gua gak tau kenapa terkadang ngerasa kosong banget. And it pains me alot.
I wake up to the same old feeling, lonely and angry, every single morning.
Tentunya gua hampir selalu find ways to get it over with. But it strikes me back harder the moment I can't seem to mend.
I know that it's not only me who ever feel like this.
But it doesn't matter, cuz it doesn't help knowing other people have actually been there. It's me who becomes the problem to myself!
Mungkin karna skolah, keluarga, temen, self-acceptance, confidence, someone you rely on atow society, they can make me so hurt deeply at times. Eventhough i might never show it.
Kadang-kadang malahan kalow udah parah banget , gua bisa a bit suicidal. kayak kucing ini. Huhuh...
Gua jadi inget quote-nya Helen Keller dari buku "The World at Her Fingertips":
"Life is about facing and overcoming your fear instead of escaping from it."
*bener-bener awakening and moving*
Mungkin salah satu masalah gua, yang juga temen deket gua pernah bilang adalah gua gak pernah bisa berhenti mikirin sesuatu yang jadi beban masalah. Selain itu gua juga terlalu banyak ketakutan tapi bukannya nyelesein itu, malahan ditumpuk terus sambil pura-pura gak peduli.
I feel so fake.
I feel so lost.
Something's missing and I don't know what it is. At all.